Ron Kaniel

Education Background:Ph.D. in Finance, University of Pennsylvania

Research Interests:Asset Pricing, Capital Markets, Portfolio Delegation

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Selected Publications

Ron Kaniel, Special-Term Professor of Finance at the International School of Finance, Fudan Universiy, Jay S. and Jeanne P. Benet Professor of Finance at University of Rochester.

His research interests include Asset Pricing, Capital Markets and Portfolio Delegation. He won numerous awards including the Eurofidai Best Paper Award in 2016, Best Paper Prize of 2016 Utah Winter Finance Conference, TWC Best Paper Award of 2010 China International Conference in Finance, Finalist for 2008 Smith Breeden Prize for Best Paper published by the Journal of Finance and etc.

Professor Kaniel earned his doctor degree in Finance from University of Pennsylvania in 1999, his master and bachelor degree in 1994 and 1992 from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


(Updated by July 2024)



  • Ron Kaniel, and Pingle Wang, Unmasking Mutual Fund Derivative Use, Review of Financial Studies, forthcoming.
  • Jeffrey L. Callen, Ron Kaniel, and Dan Segal, Filing speed, Information Leakage, and Price Formation, Review of Accounting Studies, 2023, Volume 28, Pages 1618-1656.
  • Ron Kaniel, Zihan Lin, Markus Pelger, and Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, Machine-learning the Skill of Mutual Fund Managers, Journal of Financial Economics, 2023, Volume 150, Issue 1, Pages 94-138.
  • Peter M. Demarzo, and Ron Kaniel, Contracting in Peer Networks, Journal of Finance, 2023, Volume 78, Issue 5, Pages 2725-2778.
  • Ron Kaniel, Stathis Tompaidis, and Ti Zhou, Impact of Managerial Commitment on Risk Taking with Dynamic Fund Flows, Management Science, 2019, Volume 65, Issue 7, Pages 2947-3448.


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