Jing Geng

Education Background🐀:Ph.D. in International Finance, Beijing Normal University

Research Interests:Capital market, Fund Investment, Asset Management, Private Equity Investment, Fund of Funds, Securities Market and System, Industry Investment and M&A


Jing Geng, Guest Professor of Finance at International School of Finance, Fudan University.

Professor Geng is the Executive President of Greenland Group and the Chairman and President of Greenland Financial Holdings Group. He was once the “Lee Kuan Yew” Scholar at John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, the research fellow at University of California, Berkeley, the adjunct professor at Peking University and the research supervisor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He also works as the Secretary General of CSSA (Chinese Students and Scholars Association) at Harvard University and the Co-Chairman of Shanghai Branch, the Secretary General of Shanghai Alumni Association at University of California, Berkeley, one of the Committee members of Alumni Advisory Committee, the Chairman of Alumni Association at Shanghai Branch and the Vice President of Shanghai Alumni Association at Lee Kuan Yew College, National University of Singapore, the director of the Alumni Association of EAA and the committee member of Economic Committee at East China Normal University.


(Updated by July 2024)

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