No.1, Lane 600, Nanchezhan Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai 200011
CUHK-Fudan International Finance JRC
Established in August 2023, the Chinese University of Hong Kong – Fudan University Joint Research Center for International Finance (JRC) is supported by two leading research institutions on international finance in Hong Kong and mainland China: The Department of Economics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and The International School of Finance at Fudan University. Both institutions feature internationally recognizable faculty members who have been conducting research on international finance. Currently, the JRC is led by Co-Directors Professor Shu Lin and Professor Yi Huang, together with two Associate Directors, Professor Kang Shi.
With a solid and experience research team, the JRC aims to be a platform specializing in world-class academic and policy research in international finance. The JRC also strives to facilitate communication and collaboration between the two financial centers, Hong Kong and Shanghai.
The JRC's missions include:
a) To combine the strengths of CUHK and Fudan University to establish a specialized think tank in international finance issues with a solid academic foundation.
b) To analyze issues of the development of international financial centers in both Hong Kong and Shanghai and the collaborations between these two international financial centers.
c) To facilitate dialogue with policymakers in both Hong Kong and mainland China.
d) To provide policy advice on issues of strategic importance to the financial development, financial stability, and financial safety in Hong Kong and mainland China.
e) To engage researchers from around the world and conduct academic studies of high impact on issues of international finance.
f) To cultivate talents in international finance for Hong Kong and Shanghai.
More information please find https://cf-jrc.econ.cuhk.edu.hk/HTML/