• Old Ideology, Novel Virus – How Freedom Affects the Fight against COVID-19

    活動時間🐙:12月7日10:30 – 11:30

    活動地點🫄🏻🎷:Virtual Meeting through XYLink (小魚易連)

    活動演講人👰🏿: Zhen Li



    Old Ideology, Novel Virus – How Freedom Affects the Fight against COVID-19


    Zhen Li

    Professor, National University of Singapore


    People's demand for freedom potentially impedes the containment of COVID-19. We demonstrate that COVID-19 displays a spatial discontinuity along the former East-West German border and virus-fighting policies are more effective in former pro-state East German districts. In an international setting using the number of Nobel-Prize winners as an instrument, we show that democracy, individualism and economic affluence aggravate the severity of COVID-19 and they reduce the effectiveness of social distancing and mobility restriction policies. We conclude that a greater reluctance among people to heed virus-fighting policies and an unbridled demand for freedom impose a negative health externality during a pandemic.

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